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Англо-Украинский словарь - effect


Перевод с английского языка effect на украинский

ефект, результат, дія, чинність, вплив
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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) следствие, результат cause and effect - причина и следствие of/to no effect, without effect -  а) безрезультатный;  б) бесполезный;  в) безрезультатно; бесцельно - have effect  2) действие, влияние; воздействие the effect of light on plants - действие света на растения argument has no effect on him - убеждение на него никак не действует  3) действие, сила to go/to come into effect, to take effect - вступать в силу (о законе, постановлении, правиле и т.п.) the law goes into effect soon - закон скоро вступит в силу with effect from today - вступающий в силу с сегодняшнего дня - bring to effect - give effect to - carry into effect - put into effect - no effects - in effect  4) эффект, впечатление - general effect - calculated for effect - do for effect  5) pl.; theatr.; cin. звуковые эффекты  6) цель, намерение to this effect - для этой цели; в этом смысле  7) содержание the letter was to the following effect - письмо было следующего содержания  8) pl. имущество, пожитки sale of household effects - распродажа домашних вещей to leave no effects - умереть ничего не оставив наследникам  9) tech. полезный эффект, производительность (машины) Syn: see result  2. v. производить; выполнять, совершать; осуществлять to effect a change in a plan - произвести изменение в плане to effect an insurance policy - застраховать Syn: cause, produce, realize Ant: destroy, deter, hinder, prevent, stop ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. результат, следствие cause and effect —- причина и следствие effects of war —- последствия войны beneficial effect —- положительное воздействие salutary effect —- благотворное влияние long-range effects —- долгосрочные последствия worries have a bad effect on the nervous system —- неприятности плохо действуют на нервную систему he began to feel the evil effects of drinking —- он начал ощущать пагубные (зловещие) последствия пьянства of no effect, to no effect, without effect —- безрезультатно, безрезультатный to have (to take) effect —- дать (желаемый) результат; подействовать the medicine has had no effect on her symptoms —- лекарство не сняло симптомов болезни 2. цель, намерение to this effect —- для этого, для этой цели to no effect —- бесцельно 3. смысл, сущность, существо (дела); содержание in effect —- в сущности; по существу, фактически his poetry was, in effect, his life —- по существу (по сути дела) поэзия была его жизнью 4. действие, воздействие, влияние flutter effect —- спец. вибрация, дрожание the effect of light —- действие света; фот. актинический эффект to exercise effect —- оказывать воздействие the effect of environmen' upon man's life —- вдияние окружающей среды на жизнь человека 5. действие,действенность; сила binding effect —- дип. обязательная сила lack of effect —- юр. недействительность to take effect —- вступать в силу with...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) действие, влияние, воздействие 2) эффект, следствие, результат 3) производить, осуществлять – effect of groups – additive effect – adverse effect – Baldwin effect – biochemical effect – biological effect – Bohr effect – booster effect – Bruce effect – carrier effect – carry-over effect – combined effect – complement-mediated bacteriolytic effect – Compton effect – conserving effect – controlling effect – converse effect – Coolidge effect – cooperative effect – covering effect – Crabtree effect – crowding effect – cumulative effect – Custer's effect – Danysz effect – delayed effect – depressor effect – dosage effect – edge effect – enhancement effect – equalizing effect – factorial effect – favorable effect – founder effect – Fenn's effect – final effect – geoelectric effect – greenhouse effect – harmful effect – herbicidal effect – homing effect – hothouse effect – immediate effect – immunodepressive effect – immunoenhancing effect – infinitesimal effect – inhibiting effect – inotropic effect – irreversible effect – joint effect – Kok's effect – leveling effect – local concentration effect – long-term effect – maternal effect – mental effect – multiplicative effect – neighboring group effect – net effect – nondelayed effect – of effect – on effect – optimal effect – oxygen effect – paradoxical effect – partial effect – Pasteur effect – permanent effect – permissive effect – pleiotropic effect – position effect – priming effect – prolonged effect – promoting effect – pronounced effect – protective effect – radiation effect – reflex effect – remote effect – residual effect – retarding effect – sampling effect – selective effect – sensitizing effect – short-term effect – side effect – sparing effect – spreading effect – stimulating effect – subthreshold effect – synergic effect – systemic...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) результат, следствие 2) цель; намерение 3) значение, смысл 4) действие, воздействие; сила; влияние 5) производительность 6) осуществление, выполнение; осуществлять, выполнять; производить; проводить в жизнь – in effect – in the effect that – to effect an application – to effect a contract – to come into effect – to effect an engineering progress – to effect payment – to put into effect – to the effect that – to this effect – effects of international publication – effect of patent – biological effect – chemical effect – collateral effect – conspicuous effect – cumulative effect – gamma effect – legal effect – light effect – perspective effect – positive effect – shading effect – side effect – technical effect – territorial effect EFFECT 1. сущ. результат, следствие, влияние, действие, сила, значение, цель, смысл - anticompetitive effect - beneficial effect - binding effect - bring into effect - calendar effect - carry into effect - carrying into effect - combined effect - come into effect - coming into effect - communication effect - crowding-out effect - cumulative effect - desired effect - destructive effect - effect a payment - effect a purchase - effect a transaction - effect delivery - feedback effects - foreign purchases effect - give effect to - in effect - income effect - injurious effect - interest-rate effect - legal effect - material effect - multiplier effect on income - net export effect - of no effect - output effect - personal effects - prejudicial effect - price-decreasing effect - price-increasing effect - quantity-decreasing effect - quantity-increasing effect - ratchet effect - real-balances effect - special-interest effect - substitution effect - take effect - to the effect - to the effect that... - to the following effect - with effect from - without...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) эффект, влияние влиять 2) действие, воздействие действовать, воздействовать 3) результат, следствие; явление 4) эффект, впечатление 5) производить, изготовлять to come into effect — вступать в действие, вступать в силу to have effect (up)on — оказывать воздействие на - Borrmann effect - Coekelbergs effect - Dorn effect - Gersho-Rosencwaig effect - Hanle effect - Judd-Ofelt effect - Luxemburg effect - Mach effect - Malter effect - Miller effect - Pockels effect - Ranque effect - Suhl effect - additive effect - anionic effect - astatic effect - asymmetrical effect - averaged effect - back effect - barrier-layer effect - batch effect - binaural effect - blanket effect - block effect - calender effect - cancellation effect - chance effect - collective effect - column effect - combined effect - common effect - converse effect - cubic effect - cyclical effect - dead effect - dead-end effect - direct effect - diversity effect - dominance effect - dual effect - effect of averaging - effect of factor - effect of grouping - effect of pooling - effect of replications - electrooptic effect - equivalent effect - exchange effect - external effect - first order effect - flywheel effect - focusing effect - front effect - germinating effect - ghost effect - grain effect - hole burning effect - hot-electron effect - ill effect - immediate effect - indirect effect - induction effect - inner photoemissive effect - interaction effect - intermittency effect - internal photoelectric effect - interplot effect - inverse effect - irrelevant effect - isotope effect - latitude effect - level effect - luminous effect - magnetoacoustic effect - magnetocaloric effect - magnetoionic effect - magnetostriction effect - main effect - mechanocaloric effect - multipactor effect - mutual effect - n-th order effect - obstacle effect - orientation effect - outer effect - outer photoemissive...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) эффект, явление 2) влияние, воздействие – acoustoelectric effect – adjacency effect – ambiosonic effect – antenna effect – artistic effect – background effect – binaural effect – blackout effect – blocking effect – caloriferic effect – capture effect – cataphoretic effect – cliff effect – comet effect – corner effect – corona effect – coupling effect – crawling effect – current effect – curvilinear effect – decay effect – delayed-sidetone effect – Dellinger effect – Dember effect – digital multi-effects – Doppler effect – echo-effect – edge effect – electrical effect – electroacoustic effect – electrooptic effect – electrostatic effect – EMP effect – end effect – Faraday effect – field effect – first-time effect – Fizeau effect – flicker effect – galvanomagnetic effects – gap effect – geometric effect – glint effect – image effect – instantaneous effect – interference effect – interline-flicker effect – Kendall effect – keystone effect – knife-edge effect – Kundt effect – land effect – longitudinal Pockels effect – low-frequency effects – Luxemburg effect – magnetoelectric effect – magnetogalvanic effect – magnetooptical Kerr effect – Miller effect – mirage effect – moirt effect – montage effect – mountain effect – moving effect – noise effect – nonstability effect – optoacoustic effect – optogalvanic effect – optovoltaic effect – output effect – Ovshinsky effect – pairing effect – photocapacitance effect – photodiffusion effect – photoelastic effect – photoelectric effect – photoelectromagnetic effect – photoemissive effect – photovoltaic effect – piezoelectric effect – pinch effect – ping-pong effect – polarity effect – presence effect – print-through effect – proximity effect – radiation effect – radiometer effect – ripple effect – Rocky-Point effect – rotational effect – Schottky effect – screen-voltage effect – shore...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям


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